
Renergen History

Since our initial establishment in 2005, Renergen has grown from a natural gas exploration company to a liquefied natural gas (LNG) and liquefied helium (LHe) producer.

pioneering cleaner energy

Tetra4 History

Tetra4 (previously known as Molopo South Africa Exploration and Production Pty Ltd) was established in 2005 and awarded its first Exploration Right in 2007. In 2012, some of Tetra4’s Exploration Right was converted to Onshore Petroleum Production Right.

Mahlako Gas Energy Proprietary Limited invested in our primary asset (the Virginia Gas Project) in a 5.5% equity stake in Tetra4 Proprietary Limited (Tetra4) for R 550 million in January 2023.


Formation of Molopo South Africa Exploration and Production (Pty) Ltd.


Granted exploration rights.


Granted first full onshore Petroleum Production Right in South Africa.


Windfall Energy (Pty) Ltd bought out Molopo South Africa Exploration and Production (Pty) Ltd.


  • 90% of Molopo South Africa Exploration and Production was sold to Renergen, who later renamed it Tetra4 (Pty) Ltd.
  • Listed on the JSE’s AltX Exchange as the first SPAC.


  • Completed construction of initial compression facilities for Tetra4.
  • Started producing and supplying Compressed Natural Gas (CNG).
  • Commenced Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) for the helium liquefier.


  • Commenced FEED for the gas reticulation pipeline.
  • Received a positive environmental authorisation or RoD on Tetra4’s Environmental Impact. Assessment (EIA) by the Petroleum Agency of South Africa.
  • Completed the amended FEED, which included the LNG and helium liquefier.


R125 million raised in rights offer.


  • US$40 loan facility approved by DFC.
  • Listed on the ASX, raising AU$10 million.
  • Selection of preferred EPC contractor for gas gathering system.
  • Selection of preferred technology supply contractor for the LNG and LHe processing plant.


  • Completed detailed design for Phase 1 gas gathering pipeline.
  • Completed detailed design for the Phase 1 LNG processing plant.


  • Concluded R160 million funding with the IDC.
  • LNG supply agreement signed with Ceramic Industries and Ardagh Glass Packaging.


  • LNG production commenced.
  • SIP Status awarded Virginia Gas Project Phase 2.


  • DFC approved $500 million senior debt funding and a $250 million debt facility from the Standard Bank of South Africa for Phase 2 of the Virginia Gas Project.
  • Mahlako Gas Energy Proprietary Limited invested in the Company’s primary asset (the Virginia Gas Project) via investing in a 5.5% equity stake in for R550 million (A$ 43.4 million).


  • Liquid helium production commenced.
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