
Board Committees

Renergen’s board is ultimately responsible for corporate governance. It is guided by its commitment to ensuring sound governance principles and practices while providing leadership aligned with supporting the long-term sustainability of the business.




Renergen Board

Executive Directors

Stefano Marani (CEO)
Brian Harvey (CFO)
Nick Mitchell (COO)

Independent Non-executive Directors 

David King (Chairman)
Mbali Swana
Luigi Matteucci
Thembisa Skweyiya
Dumisa Hlatshwayo

It determines the Group’s purpose and values while providing leadership aligned with supporting the long-term sustainability of the business.
Audit, Risk and IT Committee (ARIC)Luigi Matteucci (Chairman)
Mbali Swana
Dumisa Hlatshwayo
The Committee oversees the governance of the risks associated with implementing Renergen’s strategy.
Governance, Ethics, Transformation, Social and Compensation Committee (GETSC)Mbali Swana (Chairman)
Nick Mitchell
Luigi Matteucci
Thembisa Skweyiya
The Committee is responsible for reviewing and recommending the Remuneration Policy and philosophy. It also assists with monitoring social, transformational, and ethical matters and legal, regulatory, and best practice disclosures.
Nomination Committee (NomCo)David King
Nick Mitchell
Mbali Swana
Luigi Matteucci
The Committee oversees the Board composition as well as assess which retiring Independent Non-executive Directors are up for re-election.

For additional information about the Board Committees, refer to our Integrated Annual Reports.